How Can You Switch to a Positive Mindset at Work? Part Two
A positive mindset is vital to ensure your ability to work at your optimum capacity and to grow and become the employee you want to be. Last time we looked at some of the triggers that can cause negativity in the workplace. Now we’ll look at how you can get, and keep a positive mindset.
If you’re wondering why a positive attitude is so essential to your success in life and in the workplace, or why it starts with you, these three reasons may help you along the path to understanding:
- The positive mindset you bring to work creates a sense of self-worth among your colleagues, whilst doubts and a negative mindset brings down work morale and performance. Positive vibes give you new energy that you never knew you had. You’ll feel like you can accomplish anything and nothing can stand in your way.
- When you make the switch from being negative, confidence and good behaviour follow. The people around you feel appreciated and good work continues apace. It’s that new energy and dynamism that drives others to be their best too. Your co-workers will feel more comfortable asking questions or expressing concerns because of your positive mindset and general demeanour.
- A positive mindset encourages everyone to help one another. Positive attitudes are contagious – in a good way. The positive attitude you bring to the table will spread to co-workers and management, bringing out the best in everyone. You’ll feel better working with your co-workers in this new positive environment because fitting in is so much easier.
Other ways you can develop yourself to generate a positive mental attitude include empowering your language. The words you use to express yourself are emotional triggers that significantly influence your state of mind and the attitude you bring forth into every situation. These words either create positive expectations, or they create limiting and negative expectations. It all depends on the words you decide to use.
In order to overcome a negative mental attitude you must transform your language, and transforming your language begins by changing the words you habitually use when in a negative state of mind. You can do this in one of two ways:
- You can lower the intensity of the negative words you use.
- You can change negative words into positive words.
For instance, you might choose to lower the intensity of the words you use by changing “I am feeling angry…” to “I am feeling concerned…”. Or you might instead choose to put a positive spin on things by changing “I am feeling angry…” to “I am kind of curious…”.
Next, try and always be in the moment. What does this mean? The reason why you have a negative mindset is that you have unfulfilled expectations that are weighing heavily on your shoulders. When in a negative mindset you’re either indulging in the past by holding onto grudges, regrets, and anger, or you’re focusing on the future filled with fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. Focusing on the past or future brings you no respite or relief. So what’s the point of focusing in this way? Instead, encourage yourself to focus on being more mindful of the present moment. Within the present moment, there are no regrets, there is no anger, and there is no fear or anxiety. All that exists in the present moment is choice and opportunity. In the present moment, you can only focus on what’s before you, right here, right now. And what’s before you presents you with an opportunity to choose a better path moving forward.
If this all sounds too good to be true, or too hard to try, it isn’t. Switching from a negative to a positive mindset really is a simple, but deliberate choice that has huge constructive ramifications. In Part One, we talked about a two week trial of things you could do to make a positive difference to your mindset at work. Though it may be impossible to be positive all the time, if you take a simple fourteen-day challenge and eliminate the media from your life while you begin filling your mind with good positive thoughts (the kind that comes from good literature and positive affirmations) you’ll find that your life in general, and especially in the workplace, will flow easily and more positively. You’ll notice that good things will start to happen and you’ll witness a change for the better. Words like negative, doubt, and fear will disappear from your vocabulary and your life, and you’ll never look back.